Latinx Unsettling
This collection invites the critical questioning of the silos and borders that seek to exclude, contain or diminish us, including frameworks of center and periphery that fail to acknowledge Latinx aesthetic and conceptual innovations and contributions to the development of art and art history.

Adriana Corral’s Sous Rature, “Under Erasure” (2016) and Unearthed: Desenterrado (2018)
Read EssayAdriana Corral’s Sous Rature, “Under Erasure” (2016) and Unearthed: Desenterrado (2018)
Death & Ambition in Vincent Valdez’s Art
Read EssayDeath & Ambition in Vincent Valdez’s Art
Regarding Cuba in Coco Fusco’s To Live in June with Your Tongue Hanging Out
Read EssayRegarding Cuba in Coco Fusco’s To Live in June with Your Tongue Hanging Out
Turn away, towards, and unfurl: on the Work of Juan Sánchez
Read EssayTurn away, towards, and unfurl: on the Work of Juan Sánchez
Decolonial Gestures and Entangled Forms: Elia Alba’s Migratory Aesthetics
Read EssayDecolonial Gestures and Entangled Forms: Elia Alba’s Migratory Aesthetics